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[ POINT.1 ]
When automatically generating CRUD, modify the primary key (AutoIncrement) column name of each table to "id"! "CRUD" can be automated by modifying it to "id".
[ POINT.2 ]
Save the data manually. Don't forget to "Save" to Browser OR Cloud.
[ POINT.3 ]
When there are many layers of parent-child relationships of foreign key constraints, the order when migrating becomes difficult. be careful.
From the ER diagram screen after LOGIN, "Save / Load data" and "Generate CRUD" can be used from the menu "Load / Save ER diagram" on the right. When the CRUD is generated, routes, models, views, controllers, and all necessary files are generated from the welcome page.
Input check is automatically generated from "Null", "Column Type" and "Column Size" according to the table definition created in the ER diagram.